While I could only attend this one day of the #NGS2015GEN conference, I packed it full. I was so excited about all the things that I would learn and the people that I would meet.
I was not disappointed.
I’ll need to process the amazing amount of information and review my notes, but here is a review of the topics.
8:00 am – Problem Solving: Using a Cast of Characters by Ann Carter Fleming, CG, CGL, FNGS @BCGenealogists sponsor
9:30 am – The Problem-Solver’s Great Trifecta: GPS+FAN+DNA with Elizabeth Shown Mills, CG, CGL, FASG, FNGS, FUGA @BCGenealogists sponsor
11 am – Researching Online at the Maryland State Archives Website by Michael Hait, CG
FGS Luncheon – Lincoln Lives: 21st Century Access to Resources Documenting the Life and Times of Father Abraham with Curt B. Witcher, MLS, FUGA, IGSF
2:30 pm – Forensic Genealogy Meets the Genealogical Proof Standard by Michael S. Ramage, JD, CG
4 pm – What is a “Reasonably Exhaustive Search?” with Michael Hait, CG @BCGenealogists sponsor
7 pm – NGS Banquet John P. Colletta will entertain us with this burning question: Why Great-Grandpa Shaved Off His Mustache: Tales of Our Ancestors and the Weather. Stories of winter through the centuries and across the country illustrate how weather affected our ancestors’ lives.