Happy Anniversary Henry & Sarah

186 years ago today, Henry Hays, my 4 times great grandfather, married Sarah Eakle, in Washington County, Maryland. I am grateful for their union, the children that were born, and the fact they later moved to Illinois. Without all those steps my father, most likely, would not have met and married my mother.

Henry Hays is the ancestor that I am most curious about and that has me the most stumped.

It is believed that he was born in Washington County, Maryland in 1808. But, the earliest mention I have of Henry is in the marriage index for Washington County, Maryland. And, the earliest original record I’ve found for Henry Hays is a land purchase in 1843.

Nothing before their marriage in 1832.

I am curious about Henry’s earlier life and about his parents. Ultimately I would love to know the nationality for Hays. It could be English, Irish, Scottish, and even French.

If you are researching Henry or another Hays / Hayes line from Washington County, Maryland, let’s connect. If you’ve taken a DNA test, let me know which ones. Depending on what you’ve taken, we can compare results.

Finding Henry’s Father

One of my biggest genealogical discoveries last year was a hopeful clue to the parentage of my 4th great grandfather, Henry Hays (1808-1888). I’ve believed that his father’s name is John, but this belief stems from early research I conducted that was not documented at all. (Sham on me.)

To find some leads in Washington County, Maryland, the county of his birth, I searched FamilySearch’s Will Index to the “Maryland Register of Wills Records, 1629-1999” (1a) for Hays or Hayes in Washington County and found 10 matches for the last name.

One record for John Hays in 1833 with John D Eakle as executor seemed interesting because Henry Hays married Sarah Eakle. Even though the “Administration accounts 1833-1836 vol. 10” on pp. 159-161 list a Henry Hays without specifying the relationship, other details in probate records lead me to believe this John Hays is not Henry’s father, but is instead the John Hays listed in the 18 Jan 1825 announcement of the marriage between John Hays and Catherine Eakle listed in the Torch Light and Public Advertiser (2). This background and these relationships will be explored in a future blog post.

Back to the Wills…

After considering the other Washington County Hays entries, I looked through the records for Frederick County (1b) and found an exciting entry for a John Hays in 1811. In John Hays’ Will (1c), a wife, Syellany, is listed with her “three youngest sons, ” Samuel, Barney, and Henry indicating that “my wife Syellany Hayes should continue my youngest son Henry Hayes to school until he learns the art of book keeping and surveying.” Since my Henry Hays would have been 2 and a half, this instruction could fit his timeline.

To strengthen the connection between this John Hays and my Henry Hays, I’ve started looking for other records of the family. However, so far, the only record I’ve found is the baptism record for Barney. (3, 4) A Barnabas Hays born to John and Silana on 1 Apr 1793 was christened at Jacob’s Lutheran Church in Washington County, Maryland.

The hunt continues…

If you are a descendant of John Hays or Henry Hays, I would love to hear from you and discuss any research or DNA testing that you’re working on.


(1) “Maryland Register of Wills Records, 1629-1999.” Images. FamilySearch. (http://FamilySearch.org : accessed 24 Feb 2016.) Citing Prerogative Court. Hall of Records, Annapolis.
(1a) Washington County, Will index 1777-1850; H Index (Images 88-102)
(1b) Frederick County, Will index 1747-1930 (Image 102 of 236)
(1c) Frederick County, Wills 1809-1815 vol. 1 (Image 86 of 310)

(2) “The Torch Light And Public Advertiser (Hagerstown, Maryland)” digital images. Newspapers.com (https://www.newspapers.com/clip/8296479/marriage_announcement_of_john_hays_and/: accessed 11 Jan 2017) Marriage announcement for John Hays and Catherine Eakle, 18 Jan 1825, p.4.

(3) “Maryland Births and Christenings, 1650-1995,” database, FamilySearch (https://familysearch.org/ark:/61903/1:1:V2WR-VD9 : accessed 27 February 2016), Entry for Barnabas Hays, 01 Apr 1793.

(4) Wright, F. Edward. 1988. Washington County, Maryland church records of the 18th century. Westminster, MD: Family Line Publications. p. 61.

“Cousin” Sean Hayes on #WDYTYA

If I was as genealogically lucky as my husband, I would be related to everyone who bears my maiden name. While that isn’t as easy for the Hays/Hayes clan as the Bartimus descendants, I still feel a kinship when I hear the name.

I also like to hear the different Hays/Hayes stories to see where paths parallel and diverge. It is amazing that Hays/Hayes could be Scottish, Irish, English, German, and even French.

I’m looking forward to hearing Sean Hayes’ story on today’s episode of #WDYTYA. The teaser indicates that his lineage is Irish, but doesn’t yet mention his American roots.

So far, I can only trace my father’s Hays line back to Washington County, Maryland in the early 1800’s. Henry Hays is reported to have been born in that county in 1808. While I have not yet found direct evidence to support the birth date and location, he did marry Sarah Eakle in Washington County, Maryland in 1832 and buy and sell land between 1843 and 1854. (See source information below)

Continue reading “Cousin” Sean Hayes on #WDYTYA